
Showing posts from September, 2019

Foto Angkatan 2018 (UGM Fisheries class of 2018)

Dibawah ini beberapa foto mahasiswa program studi Budidaya Perikanan (Aquaculture/BDP) berjumlah 50 an orang dan teman-teman Manajemen Sumberdaya Akuatik (MSA/MSP) & Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (THP) yang ada di Departemen Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada tahun 2018 "Xiphias" yang totalnya 150 an orang. Here are several photograph of us, UGM fisheries class of 2018 "Xiphias" which totaled 150 in number, in 3 majors: Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources Management, and Fisheries Product Technology. Each major was 50 person in number who studied in Fisheries Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. Btw besok sudah periode UTS/midterm exam aja nih! Semangat!! By the way, tomorrow is mid-term exam period (30 September-11 October 2019)! Keep it up!! UGM Aquaculture Technology and Management (Aquaculture for short) class of 2018 at 8 p.m after limnology practice on September 2019 UGM Aquaculture class of 2018 at Ship

Fasilitas Maya Di UGM (UGM Network Facilities)

Halo kawan! Singkat saja ya, disini saya sediakan beberapa fasilitas website mengenai UGM dan link bermanfaat bagi civitas akademika UGM per tahun 2019 Hi there bud, to keep it simple, I present to you some of UGM network facilities using websites, and here are the following links which I think useful to college student in Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Pencarian Skripsi, Thesis & Disertasi ( Thesis and dissertation publication ) Pencarian Buku Perpustakaan Terintegrasi UGM ( UGM library books ) Pencarian Jurnal UGM ( UGM journal publication ) Pencarian Jurnal Internasional ( International journal subscription ) Pencarian E-Book ( E-book ) Pencarian Publikasi UGM ( UGM press publication ) Pencarian Buku Publikasi UGM ( UGM press books publication ) https://ugmpress.